Smart Smoke Now Smoking Everywhere - Quit Smoking and Improve Your Looks

Many years of research by reputable medical bodies has shown that:
  • nicotine is more addictive for women
  • women who smoke have twice the additional risk of heart attacks, strokes and lung cancer
  • lung cancer kills three times the number of American women than breast cancer
  • smoking is linked to early menopause
  • the aging effect of smoking on the skin is worse for women
Smoking cigarettes accelerates the aging process. And this is proven! Smart Smoke Now Smoking Everywhere
Here's What Smoking Does to Women
Smoking Harms Your Hair
Smokers are 4 times more likely to have these problems with their hair. The chemicals in cigarettes starve your hair of oxygen and make it dull, lifeless and brittle. Smoking can cause your hair to break off. It can cause dull, lank and smelly hair. It contributes to hair loss, greying and balding.
Smoking Ruins Your Skin
It causes premature aging of the skin and ruins your complexion. Loss of skin glow and vitality. It causes premature facial wrinkling and leathery skin. Smoking can also lead to crow's feet. Smoking causes varicose veins. Your skin develops poor healing abilities. It can cause skin cancer. Improves chances of developing psoriasis. It slows your skin's healing rate.
Smoking reduces the amount of blood flowing to the skin and dries it out. It constructs the tiny capillaries that nourish the skin. Smoking prevents oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin. Over time, this means the skin loses elasticity and gets more wrinkled. The appearance of wrinkled, pale and grayish skin is four to five times more frequent in smokers than non-smokers. In 1971 an extensive study showed that the facial skin of long-term smokers was so terribly wrinkled that they looked as if they were 20 years older! Talk about not aging well.

Tips to Improve Your Skin
Quitting smoking
 improves the blood supply to the skin and gives previously pale skin a more 'natural' appearance. A smoker's skin is more apt to wrinkle because the skin's vitamin A content is low compared with that for a non-smoker. Vitamin A protects the skin against strong chemical substances that may damage or destroy it. Smoking also gets in the way of absorption of vitamin C - a vital antioxidant for skin protection and health By quitting, you will improve your skin tone and colour. You are less likely to get wrinkles around your eyes and mouth from squinting when smoke gets in your eyes and puckering up when you draw on a cigarette. 
The grayish color of the skin is one of the many problems caused by smoking. If you want to look fresh, "attack" the problem internally. Eat fruits rich in vitamin C and foods containing zinc. They stimulate the formation of collagen which is important for the skin. Eat wheat, oat flakes and fish - they are the main source of zinc. To replenish the lack of vitamin A, eat lettuce and carrots. Vitamin E is "responsible" for the youth of your skin. Exfoliate, get facials, use night creams, and take supplements and multivitamins. One of the best multivitamins on the market for smokers and those people who are trying to quit, is Smokers Choice(TM) MultiVitamins.
Nutritional support is a must if you are in this category. As most people know, smoking depletes levels of essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants from the body system. Smokers Choice(TM) is a vitamin and antioxidant supplement to address the nutritional needs of today's smokers, those who have recently quit & people exposed to secondhand smoke. Smokers Choice(TM) is specially formulated with powerful antioxidants. It has more of the ingredients shown to help your body fight the harmful effects of smoking.
And, it is designed to be safer for smokers than other products on the market. Smokers Choice(TM) is specifically designed to counteract the potential effect that smoking may have. This formula encompasses those nutrients known to be depleted by smoking and have been shown to be at very low levels in most smokers. By replacing these nutrients and adding other nutrients known to strengthen the natural immune system, you may be able to greatly reduce the risks associated with smoking. Smokers Choice(TM) contains no Beta-Carotene. Beta-Carotene has been found in multiple clinical studies to be potentially harmful to cigarette smokers. Yet, just about every multi-vitamin on the market contains Beta-Carotene. That's simply because those products are designed for non-smokers.

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